Donald in Reality World
On most major issues, Donald’s policy is to have no policy. He has no policy plan on:
— Global warming
— COVID-19
— Health Care
— College debt
— Police violence
— Mass incarceration
Why not? It may simply be because he is too lazy and distracted with other things — watching dumb FOX News shows, saying crazy crap on Twitter, rallies, meetings with the press where he verbally abuses and tries to humiliate them.
It is also because he just doesn’t care. It is hard to get motivated to do anything about something you don’t care about.
And, finally, there are a few policy things Donald does pursue: Pitiless schemes around immigration. Space Force. Supreme Court nominees of crushing mediocrity. Dumb tax cuts.
I work at a midsized nonprofit in Chicago. Money is tight. Everyone there does several jobs at once. We provide Adult Ed and Early Childcare programming. Donald would last — maybe — four or five days in the org. He wouldn’t be there long enough to get the new hire paperwork for him finished before he was asked to leave.
I’ve worked in restaurants, universities, non-profits, theaters and as a rent-a-cop. Donald’s antics would have him flame out in a few days at any place I have ever worked. In reality world, his clown act just wouldn’t fly. It is impractical.
The best favor anybody could ever do that mal-developed, waddling irritant would be to strip him of his privileges and kick his ass down to the “lower realms” — reality world, where 99% of us dwell. A good start would be voting him out of office today.