“The Religion of America Is America Pretending…”
It’s been said that “the religion of America is America.” More specifically, the religion of America consists of engaging in thoughts, actions and rituals designed to convince oneself that America is good — that it feels good and that it does good, when it doesn’t and it doesn’t. This requires enormous energy and it generates quite a strange affect in its adherents. There they are, with the forced smile of self-convincing, displaying the maudlin emotional churnings of self-convincing, singing that pinched, wretched corporate country “And I’ll proudly… STAND UP” Lee Greenwood song of self-convincing. It all amounts to the opposite of grace. And if you are born into it, it amounts to a passive form of abuse to live in a culture created in order to gaslight itself. In this sense, America is a very cruel place for children, but also for adults.