What the F Is Up with Glenn Greenwald?

Dan Hanrahan
2 min readApr 28, 2021


I think I may have finally figured out what in the hell is going on with Glenn Greenwald. His support for the claims of persecution voiced by far right wing white supremacist Tucker Carlson, neo-Nazi clown Nicholas Fuentes and other neo-fascist media trolls persists. Regardless of how bananas Tucker Carlson goes on his nightly white supremacist power hour, there's Glenn, seeking to project earnestness, in another appearance on the wretched program. What should be recognized is that all of these odd and surprising postures taken by Greenwald are done in the context of pointing out mainstream liberal stupidity and hypocrisy. He is committed to leveling legitimate (and rather obvious) charges against MSNBC, CNN and the DNC. What is so shocking and disturbing, given Glenn's journalistic track record, is that he is doing so not from a position to the left of those lamentable entities.

The problem seems to be that Glenn Greenwald does not possess politics that engage in the radical rethinking of how humans should relate to each other and to the non-human world at this unprecedented moment in history; he does not express a political vision that grapples with the fact that the global industrial consumer economy has brought the ecology of our planet to the breaking point. Because he has not clearly identified a spot to the left of the Democrats for himself and because he feels it is of the highest importance to continue to barbeque fatuous liberal political and media elites, he has ended up leveling his criticism of CNN’s sensationalist mediocrity and Hillary Clinton’s doublespeak… from the right. Really, from the far right. He literally labeled Steve Bannon a “socialist” (the same Steve Bannon who stated that the goal of the Trump administration was "the deconstruction of the administrative state”) and, no, this wasn’t said tongue-in-cheek. Forced to choose between skewering mainstream Democrat and media hypocrisy from the left and siding with white supremacist whiners on the right, Glenn Greenwald is choosing the latter.

It seems to be Greenwald’s inability to understand that there are options for political belief and action beyond the limited and enervating dichotomy of CNN vs. Fox News that is causing him to take his strange and contrarian positions. Glenn Greenwald doesn't seem to understand something extremely basic: That the right wing media and political establishment are as diabolical as the mainstream liberal establishment (actually morse so, but Glenn need not believe that) and that it is possible to oppose both of them, to level critiques at both of them simultaneously.

For an intelligent guy, Glenn Greenwald really lacks imagination.



Dan Hanrahan
Dan Hanrahan

Written by Dan Hanrahan

Writer, translator, actor, musician.

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